Perfectionist…My Badge of honor! Ha!

DO NOT let being perfect stop you from being the great leader you are called to be. For many years, I would say I was a perfectionist. I even wore it as a badge of honor, but was it really? NO WAY! It was part of the mask that I forced myself to wear to conceal the true me. Perfectionism prevented me from showing up authentically to my team, my family and truthfully myself.

Although I had moments of being transparent, I felt being a leader was not displaying my “negative” emotions such as anger and would hide those feelings and continue to lead even though internally I was boiling with anger. I did this for years and it became second nature. Towards the end of last year, before my 40th birthday, I got tired of holding it together and began to surrender my feelings to God and had detailed conversations with Him. And through these conversations, I have begun embracing my vulnerabilities and say to myself you know what Kersha, let people see you stumble, show them who you really are. If the graphics on your images aren't great, so what?

If you have messed up in your leadership journey, so what who hasn't? Since turning 40, I learned that being perfect was a factor that fed my Imposter Syndrome which prevented me from seizing opportunities and doing the work God has called me to do, which is serve leaders, specifically those new to leadership or in a new leadership position.

Anyone else feel me on this? Are you a perfectionist, I want to hear your story. Has being a perfectionist affected how you show up?

Let's change our narratives that we tell ourselves so we can move forward authentically in our leadership journey.


Distractions, disruptions and going back to basics!


This past weekend in October we celebrated World Mental Health Day and I wanted to check-in with you.