Pro Tips on Professionalism

In November 2019, I had the opportunity to visit Grow with Google in New York City. I updated and refreshed my digital skills. The center was awesome! It was two floors and the decor was simple, clean and amazing. They had inspiring quotes, a place for you to quietly work and free and healthy snacks! In our career journey, learning never stops. It may be learning completely new software in our field to keep us marketable, learning about emerging trends that will propel us to the next step or refreshing skills that we learned a while ago that we rarely use. Never stop learning! It also gives us a chance to do something for ourselves and focus on one task. How are you staying new?

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One of my core beliefs is that we are all placed on this planet to give back to those that are on their life journey and impart the knowledge we have acquired to help them succeed, and extend our hands and hearts to. We cannot live in isolation and we are here to give back to those that come after us.My opportunity to do just that came when I was invited to be a mentor at the Women's Leadership Luncheon at Brooklyn College, CUNY, my graduate alma mater. This was so exciting! It was like meeting of the minds with the women I met! The students had so many thoughtful questions and ideas. The idea of bringing alumni back to speak with students was refreshing. It reminded me of when I was in their shoes, meeting someone who was further along in their career and absorbing the information shared.