New Leader...Got Goals?

For those that are starting the new year into a leadership role! Congratulations! You were called and chosen! Ready to lead?!  

If you feel excited, nervous, overwhelmed and scared all at the same, congrats this is totally normal! You are probably thinking where do I start? How can I make an impact? What time is my first meeting? I have to schedule meetings with my team.

While interviewing, you might have mentioned the ideas you want to implement and the processes that you want to improve. That's probably what impressed the hiring team and why you were chosen, your ideas were well received. The next question: how do I get started? Now it's time to implement those ideas.

Since transitioning into this position, have you thought about your vision and the goals you would like to achieve for you and your team?

 While it's the position is still fresh, this is your opportunity to take the time to think through and write down your goals for both yourself and your team (you may need input from team members on group goals.) Share it with someone you know that will support you and hold you accountable.

Why goal setting? Setting goals allows you to have a vision and take steps towards making that vision a reality. 

1. It will allow you to achieve something for yourself.

2.  It will empower your team that they have achieved a goal as a group.

3. And one more big plus for setting goals: When it's time for your six month or annual review, you will have tangible results to discuss.

Remember to celebrate and promote yourself internally. You can do this!, Own your new role and lead.


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