Strategies on Employee Development

It’s almost that time of year again where some managers may look at as an “eye-rolling” duty or it may fall under the category of “fun times” in the life and times of management. What is this duty? Performance Evaluations.  This is the time you will sit in a one on one meeting with your direct reports and review their performance for the entire year. Some leaders really put forth effort into providing constructive criticism, highlighting accomplishments and discussing areas of improvement. While some leaders provide vague information during these meetings leaving the employee unsure of how his/her performance was evaluated and did he/she contribute to the department and the organization at large. Performance Evaluations do not begin when the annual meeting is scheduled, it begins with employee development. 

Employee development throughout the year will hopefully provide leaders tangible examples on what to discuss during the performance review and allow the employee to become aware and gain more insight on his/her performance and accomplishments. Employee development throughout the year can possibly allow a direct report to showcase hidden talents, work on projects to enhance skills and expose them to the larger organization.

As a leader, employee development can possibly give you an opportunity to mentor and coach an employee. It may allow you to see potential issues from the employee’s point of view and both of you can create a plan to resolve them.    

Here are three strategies that leaders can implement:

  • Schedule bi-weekly meetings to discuss accomplishments, expectations, new ideas and areas needed for improvement. 

  • Discuss training opportunities to enhance the employee’s skillset

  • If there were areas of improvement needed, it was discussed it candidly and honestly from both of us and if there was any further support needed on my end.

What strategies have you used in further Employee Development?


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